An Object is the abstraction of real world things that have the same characteristics and conform to a given set of rules. An Object is assigned to exactly one Subsystem. Objects fall into many categories, some of which are tangible things, roles, interactions and specifications. Objects that have interesting behavior are given a lifecycle which is modeled by a State Model.
Identifiers: An Object represents an abstraction of a real world thing. All instances of an Object have the same characteristics and conform to the same set of rules. The characteristics of an Object are captured as attributes. Each Object with a Domain is assigned a unique name, number and keyletters. 101.1. Object.Obj_IDFull Name: Object Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 101.2. Object.NameFull Name: Object Name Data Type: string 101.3. Object.NumbFull Name: Object Number Data Type: integer 101.4. Object.Key_LettFull Name: Object Keyletters Data Type: string 101.5. Object.DescripFull Name: Object Description Data Type: string 101.6. Object.SS_ID (R)Domain: Same as Subsystem.SS_ID References:
Identifiers: Objects can have interactions with Objects in other Subsystems. In order to capture these spanning interactions, Objects can be imported into another subsystem. Spanning interactions can be relationships, event communications, or data accesses and are captured in the Object Information Model, Object Communication Model, and Object Access Model, respectively. Spanning interactions provide the data for derivation of the Subsystem Relationship Model, Subsystem Communication Model, and Subsystem Access Model. 102.1. Imported Object.IObj_IDFull Name: Imported Object Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 102.2. Imported Object.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
102.3. Imported Object.Modl_TypFull Name: Model Type Domain: Value indicates what type of model the Imported Object is in:
Data Type: integer 102.4. Imported Object.SS_ID (R)Domain: Same as Subsystem.SS_ID References:
Identifiers: An attribute is an abstraction of a single characteristic possessed by an Object. Usually Objects contain a set of attributes to completely capture all pertinent information. Each Attribute is given a unqiue name within an Object. 103.1. Attribute.Attr_IDFull Name: Attribute Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 103.2. Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
103.3. Attribute.PAttr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
103.4. Attribute.Name (M)Full Name: Attribute Name Data Type: string 103.5. Attribute.DescripFull Name: Attribute Description Data Type: string 103.6. Attribute.PrefixFull Name: Attribute Name Prefix Data Type: string 103.7. Attribute.Root_NamFull Name: Attribute Name Root Data Type: string 103.8. Attribute.Pfx_ModeFull Name: Attribute Name Prefix Mode Domain: Data Type: integer 103.9. Attribute.DT_ID (R)Domain: Same as Data Type.DT_ID References:
Identifiers: A set of one or more Attributes which uniquely distinguishes each instance of an object is an Object Identifier. An Object may have several Identifiers. 104.1. Object Identifier.Oid_IDFull Name: Object Identifier Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 104.2. Object Identifier.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
Identifiers: An Attribute that is part of an Object Identifier is an Object Identifier Attribute. 105.1. Object Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
105.2. Object Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
105.3. Object Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object Identifier.Oid_ID References:
Identifiers: A Base Attribute is a non-referential attribute. 106.1. Base Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
106.2. Base Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
Identifiers: A Derived Attribute is the result of an algorithm used to derive the value. 107.1. Derived Base Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
107.2. Derived Base Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
Identifiers: A New Base Attribute is a non-derived base attribute. 108.1. New Base Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
108.2. New Base Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
Identifiers: A Referential Attribute captures the formalization of a relationship. A Referential Attribute refers to an Identifying Attribute in the Object at the other end of the relationship which it formalizes. 109.1. Referential Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
109.2. Referential Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
109.3. Referential Attribute.BAttr_ID (R)---- Constraints ---- Reference IS CONSTRAINED such that Base Attribute related across R113 is same Base Attribute which is found by navigating back through the referred to attributes until the Base Attribute is found. Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
109.4. Referential Attribute.BObj_ID (R)---- Constraints ---- Reference IS CONSTRAINED such that Base Attribute related across R113 is same Base Attribute which is found by navigating back through the referred to attributes until the Base Attribute is found. Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
109.5. Referential Attribute.Ref_ModeFull Name: Referential Attribute Mode Data Type: integer |
Identifiers: The object represents an R# which follows a referential attribute. 110.1. Attribute Reference in Object.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
110.2. Attribute Reference in Object.RObj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
110.3. Attribute Reference in Object.ROid_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object Identifier.Oid_ID References:
110.4. Attribute Reference in Object.RAttr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
110.5. Attribute Reference in Object.Rel_ID (R)Domain: Same as Relationship.Rel_ID References:
110.6. Attribute Reference in Object.OIR_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object in Relationship.OIR_ID References:
110.7. Attribute Reference in Object.ROIR_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object in Relationship.OIR_ID References:
110.8. Attribute Reference in Object.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
110.9. Attribute Reference in Object.ARef_IDFull Name: Attribute Reference in Object Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 110.10. Attribute Reference in Object.PARef_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute Reference in Object.ARef_ID References:
110.11. Attribute Reference in Object.Is_CstrdFull Name: Attribute Reference in Object Is Constrained Flag Domain: Data Type: boolean 110.12. Attribute Reference in Object.DescripFull Name: Attribute Reference in Object Description Data Type: string |
Identifiers: This object serves a linkage between the R# (Attribute Reference in Object) and the referred to Object Identifier Attribute. 111.1. Referred To Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Attribute.Attr_ID References:
111.2. Referred To Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
111.3. Referred To Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object Identifier.Oid_ID References:
111.4. Referred To Identifier Attribute.Rel_ID (R)Domain: Same as Relationship.Rel_ID References:
111.5. Referred To Identifier Attribute.OIR_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object in Relationship.OIR_ID References:
Identifiers: A Transformer is a method associated with an Object - transformers can be synchronously called from Action Specifications. 112.1. Transformer.Tfr_IDFull Name: Transformer Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 112.2. Transformer.Obj_ID (R)Domain: Same as Object.Obj_ID References:
112.3. Transformer.NameFull Name: Transformer Name Data Type: string 112.4. Transformer.DescripFull Name: Transformer Description Data Type: string 112.5. Transformer.DT_ID (R)Domain: Same as Data Type.DT_ID References:
Identifiers: This object is a parameter to a transformer. 113.1. Transformer Parameter.TParm_IDFull Name: Transformer Parameter Identifier Data Type: arbitrary_id 113.2. Transformer Parameter.Tfr_ID (R)Domain: Same as Transformer.Tfr_ID References:
113.3. Transformer Parameter.NameFull Name: Transformer Parameter Name Data Type: string 113.4. Transformer Parameter.DT_ID (R)Domain: Same as Data Type.DT_ID References:
R101. | Object HAS PRESENCE IN OTHER SUBSYSTEMS VIA Imported Object (1:Mc) |
Imported Object REPRESENTS Object |
Imported Object.Obj_ID | → | Object.Obj_ID |
Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Object.Obj_ID |
R103. | Attribute PRECEEDS Attribute (1c:1c) |
Attribute SUCCEEDS Attribute |
Attribute.PAttr_ID | → | Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Attribute.Obj_ID |
R104. | Object IS IDENTIFIED BY Object Identifier (1:Mc) |
Object Identifier IDENTIFIES Object |
Object Identifier.Obj_ID | → | Object.Obj_ID |
R105. | Attribute IS PART OF Object Identifier (Mc:Mc) |
Object Identifier IS MADE UP OF Attribute | |
Object Identifier Attribute ASSOCIATES Attribute AND Object Identifier 1-(Mc:Mc) |
Object Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Object Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Attribute.Obj_ID | |
Object Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID | → | Object Identifier.Oid_ID | |
Object Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Object Identifier.Obj_ID |
R106. | Attribute IS A (SUPERTYPE OF) Base Attribute |
Attribute IS A (SUPERTYPE OF) Referential Attribute | |
Base Attribute IS A (SUBTYPE OF) Attribute | |
Referential Attribute IS A (SUBTYPE OF) Attribute |
Base Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Base Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Attribute.Obj_ID | |
Referential Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Referential Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Attribute.Obj_ID |
R107. | Base Attribute IS A (SUPERTYPE OF) Derived Base Attribute |
Base Attribute IS A (SUPERTYPE OF) New Base Attribute | |
Derived Base Attribute IS A (SUBTYPE OF) Base Attribute | |
New Base Attribute IS A (SUBTYPE OF) Base Attribute |
Derived Base Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Base Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Derived Base Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Base Attribute.Obj_ID | |
New Base Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Base Attribute.Attr_ID | |
New Base Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Base Attribute.Obj_ID |
R108. | Referential Attribute RESOLVES Attribute Reference in Object (1:M) |
Attribute Reference in Object IS RESOLVED BY Referential Attribute |
Attribute Reference in Object.Attr_ID | → | Referential Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.Obj_ID | → | Referential Attribute.Obj_ID |
R109. | Object Identifier IDENTIFIES FOR THIS RELATIONSHIP Referred To Object in Rel (1c:Mc) |
Referred To Object in Rel IS IDENTIFIED IN THIS RELATIONSHIP BY Object Identifier |
Referred To Object in Rel.Oid_ID | → | Object Identifier.Oid_ID | |
Referred To Object in Rel.Obj_ID | → | Object Identifier.Obj_ID |
R110. | Object Identifier Attribute IDENTIFIES FOR THIS RELATIONSHIP Referred To Object in Rel (M:Mc) |
Referred To Object in Rel IS IDENTIFIED IN THIS RELATIONSHIP BY Object Identifier Attribute | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute ASSOCIATES Object Identifier Attribute AND Referred To Object in Rel 1-(M:Mc) |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID | → | Object Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Object Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID | → | Object Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | → | Referred To Object in Rel.Obj_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Rel_ID | → | Referred To Object in Rel.Rel_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.OIR_ID | → | Referred To Object in Rel.OIR_ID | |
Referred To Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID | → | Referred To Object in Rel.Oid_ID |
R111. | Referred To Identifier Attribute IS USED TO REFER TO OBJECT BY Referring Object in Rel (M:M) |
Referring Object in Rel REFERS ACROSS RELATIONSHIP VIA Referred To Identifier Attribute | |
Attribute Reference in Object ASSOCIATES Referred To Identifier Attribute AND Referring Object in Rel 1-(M:M) |
Attribute Reference in Object.RAttr_ID | → | Referred To Identifier Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.RObj_ID | → | Referred To Identifier Attribute.Obj_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.ROid_ID | → | Referred To Identifier Attribute.Oid_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.Rel_ID | → | Referred To Identifier Attribute.Rel_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.ROIR_ID | → | Referred To Identifier Attribute.OIR_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.Obj_ID | → | Referring Object in Rel.Obj_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.Rel_ID | → | Referring Object in Rel.Rel_ID | |
Attribute Reference in Object.OIR_ID | → | Referring Object in Rel.OIR_ID |
R112. | Attribute Reference in Object PRECEEDS Attribute Reference in Object (1c:1c) |
Attribute Reference in Object SUCCEEDS Attribute Reference in Object |
Attribute Reference in Object.PARef_ID | → | Attribute Reference in Object.ARef_ID |
R113. | Base Attribute CAN BE THE BASE OF Referential Attribute (1:Mc) |
Referential Attribute NAVIGATES BACK TO Base Attribute |
Referential Attribute.BAttr_ID | → | Base Attribute.Attr_ID | |
Referential Attribute.BObj_ID | → | Base Attribute.Obj_ID |
R114. | Data Type DEFINES THE TYPE OF Attribute (1:Mc) |
Attribute IS DEFINED BY Data Type |
Attribute.DT_ID | → | Data Type.DT_ID |
R115. | Transformer IS ASSOCIATED WITH Object (Mc:1) |
Object MAY CONTAIN Transformer |
Transformer.Obj_ID | → | Object.Obj_ID |
R116. | Transformer RETURN CODE IS DEFINED BY Data Type (Mc:1) |
Transformer.DT_ID | → | Data Type.DT_ID |
R117. | Transformer CONTAINS Transformer Parameter (1:Mc) |
Transformer Parameter IS PART OF A Transformer |
Transformer Parameter.Tfr_ID | → | Transformer.Tfr_ID |
R118. | Transformer Parameter IS DEFINED BY Data Type (Mc:1) |
Data Type DEFINES THE TYPE OF Transformer Parameter |
Transformer Parameter.DT_ID | → | Data Type.DT_ID |