// Copyright (c) 2008-2010 by Kavanagh Consultancy Limited. All rights reserved. ArchetypeLanguage : // Syntax Rules archetype := statementBlock statementBlock := { literalTextLine | controlStatement }* literalTextLine := ! '.' { literalText | substitutionVariable }* endOfLine controlStatement := selectStatement | forBlock | breakForStatement | whileBlock | breakWhileStatement | assignStatement | ifBlock | functionBlock | invokeStatement | emitStatement | clearStatement | includeStatement | printStatement | exitStatement // 9.1.3. Data Access Control Statements selectStatement := '.' SELECT ( ( ONE | ANY | MANY ) variable RELATED BY instanceChain | ( ANY | MANY ) variable FROM INSTANCES OF objectKeyLetters ) [ WHERE condition ] endOfLine instanceChain := variable { relationshipTraversal }+ // Use of verbPhrase is not explicitly supported in BridgePoint archetype language, // but it is supported in BridgePoint action language // Use of role below is not supported in BridgePoint relationshipTraversal := "->" objectKeyLetters '[' relationshipID [ '.' ( IR | RI | verbPhrase | role ) ] ']' objectKeyLetters := name // Allow keyword verbPhrase := unconstrainedName role := name // Allow keyword condition := expression forBlock := forStatement statementBlock endForStatement forStatement := '.' FOR EACH variable IN variable endOfLine endForStatement := '.' END FOR endOfLine breakForStatement := '.' BREAK FOR endOfLine whileBlock := whileStatement statementBlock endWhileStatement whileStatement := '.' WHILE condition endOfLine endWhileStatement := '.' END WHILE endOfLine breakWhileStatement := '.' BREAK WHILE endOfLine // 9.1.4. Transformer Control Statements assignStatement := '.' ASSIGN variable [ '.' attribute ] '=' expression endOfLine variable := name && ! keyword attribute := name // Allow keyword // 9.1.5. Tester Control Statements ifBlock := ifStatement statementBlock { elifStatement statementBlock }* [ elseStatement statementBlock ] endIfStatement ifStatement := '.' IF condition endOfLine elifStatement := '.' ELIF condition endOfLine elseStatement := '.' ELSE endOfLine endIfStatement := '.' END IF endOfLine // 9.1.6. Function Control Statements functionBlock := functionStatement { parameterStatement }* statementBlock endFunctionStatement functionStatement := '.' FUNCTION functionName endOfLine functionName := name && ! keyword parameterStatement := '.' PARAM parameterType parameterName endOfLine parameterType := BOOLEAN | INTEGER | REAL | STRING | INST_REF | INST_REF_SET | FRAG_REF parameterName := name && ! keyword endFunctionStatement := '.' END FUNCTION endOfLine invokeStatement := '.' INVOKE [ variable '=' ] functionName '(' [ actualParameter { ',' actualParameter }* ] ')' endOfLine actualParameter := rvalue // 9.1.7. File Control Statements emitStatement := '.' EMIT TO FILE fileName endOfLine fileName := stringLiteral clearStatement := '.' CLEAR endOfLine includeStatement := '.' INCLUDE fileName endOfLine printStatement := '.' PRINT errorMessage endOfLine errorMessage := stringLiteral exitStatement := '.' EXIT exitStatus endOfLine exitStatus := integerLiteral // 9.1.8. Rvalues rvalue := literalValue | variable [ '.' attribute ] | SELECTED '.' attribute literalValue := booleanLiteral | integerLiteral | realLiteral | stringLiteral booleanLiteral := TRUE | FALSE stringLiteral := stringQuotes { stringLiteralText | substitutionVariable }* stringQuotes // 9.1.9. Expressions expression := '(' unaryOperator expression ')' | '(' expression binaryOperator expression ')' | rvalue unaryOperator := NOT | EMPTY | NOT_EMPTY | FIRST | NOT_FIRST | LAST | NOT_LAST | CARDINALITY binaryOperator := AND | OR | '+' | '-' | '*' | '/' | '%' | '<' | "<=" | "==" | "!=" | ">=" | '>' // 9.1.10. Substitution Variables substitutionVariable := substitutionFormat ( instanceChain '.' attribute [ ':' parseKeyword ] | variable [ '.' attribute [ ':' parseKeyword ] ] | INFO '.' informationAttribute | SELECTED { relationshipTraversal }* '.' attribute [ ':' parseKeyword ] ) endOfSubstitution parseKeyword := name // Allow keyword informationAttribute := DATE | USER_ID | ARCH_FILE_LINE | ARCH_FILE_NAME | INTERPRETER_PLATFORM | INTERPRETER_VERSION | UNIQUE_NUM ArchetypeLanguage :: // Lexical Rules input := { literalTextLineInput | commentLine | controlStatementLine }* literalTextLineInput := { literalText | substitutionVariableInput }* && ( { whitespace }* ( ! '.' | ".." ) ) endOfLine literalText ::= { ! '$' ! '\n' $anyCharacter | "$$" }+ substitutionVariableInput := substitutionFormat { whitespace | token }* endOfSubstitution substitutionFormat ::= '$' [ 'U' | 'u' | 'C' | 'c' | 'L' | 'l' ] [ '_' | 'R' | 'r' ] '{' whitespace := ! '\n' $javaWhitespace endOfSubstitution ::= '}' endOfLine ::= $endOfLine commentLine := { whitespace }* '.' ( "//" | nonTokenCOMMENT ) { ! '\n' $anyCharacter }* $endOfLine nonTokenCOMMENT := ( "comment" | "COMMENT" | "Comment" ) ! namePart controlStatementLine := { whitespace | token }* endOfLine // Tokens token := name | unconstrainedName | integerLiteral | realLiteral | stringLiteralInput | separatorOrOperator name ::= nameStart { namePart }* nameStart := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '_' namePart := 'a'..'z' | 'A'..'Z' | '0'..'9' | '_' unconstrainedName ::= '\'' { ! '\'' ! '\n' $anyCharacter | "''" }+ '\'' integerLiteral ::= [ '-' ] { '0'..'9' }+ ! '.' realLiteral ::= [ '-' ] { '0'..'9' }+ '.' { '0'..'9' }+ stringLiteralInput := stringQuotes { stringLiteralText | substitutionVariableInput }* stringQuotes stringQuotes ::= '"' stringLiteralText ::= { ! '$' ! '"' ! '\n' $anyCharacter | "$$" | "\"\"" }+ separatorOrOperator ::= "!=" | "->" | "<=" | "==" | ">=" | '%' | '(' | ')' | '*' | '+' | ',' | '-' | '.' | '/' | '<' | '=' | '>' | '[' | ']' // Special Name Tokens relationshipID ::= ( 'R' | 'r' ) '1'..'9' { '0'..'9' }* ! namePart keyword := AND | ANY | ARCH_FILE_LINE | ARCH_FILE_NAME | ASSIGN | BODY | BOOLEAN | BREAK | BY | CARDINALITY | CLEAR | COMMENT | DATE | EACH | ELIF | ELSE | EMIT | EMPTY | END | EXIT | FALSE | FILE | FIRST | FOR | FRAG_REF | FROM | FUNCTION | IF | IN | INCLUDE | INFO | INSTANCES | INST_REF | INST_REF_SET | INTEGER | INTERPRETER_PLATFORM | INTERPRETER_VERSION | INVOKE | IR | LAST | MANY | NOT | NOT_EMPTY | NOT_FIRST | NOT_LAST | OF | ONE | OR | PARAM | PRINT | REAL | RELATED | RI | SELECT | SELECTED | STRING | TO | TRUE | UNIQUE_NUM | USER_ID | WHERE | WHILE AND ::= ( "and" | "AND" | "And" ) ! namePart ANY ::= ( "any" | "ANY" | "Any" ) ! namePart ARCH_FILE_LINE ::= ( "arch_file_line" | "ARCH_FILE_LINE" | "Arch_file_line" ) ! namePart ARCH_FILE_NAME ::= ( "arch_file_name" | "ARCH_FILE_NAME" | "Arch_file_name" ) ! namePart ASSIGN ::= ( "assign" | "ASSIGN" | "Assign" ) ! namePart BODY ::= ( "body" | "BODY" | "Body" ) ! namePart BOOLEAN ::= ( "boolean" | "BOOLEAN" | "Boolean" ) ! namePart BREAK ::= ( "break" | "BREAK" | "Break" ) ! namePart BY ::= ( "by" | "BY" | "By" ) ! namePart CARDINALITY ::= ( "cardinality" | "CARDINALITY" | "Cardinality" ) ! namePart CLEAR ::= ( "clear" | "CLEAR" | "Clear" ) ! namePart COMMENT ::= ( "comment" | "COMMENT" | "Comment" ) ! namePart DATE ::= ( "date" | "DATE" | "Date" ) ! namePart EACH ::= ( "each" | "EACH" | "Each" ) ! namePart ELIF ::= ( "elif" | "ELIF" | "Elif" ) ! namePart ELSE ::= ( "else" | "ELSE" | "Else" ) ! namePart EMIT ::= ( "emit" | "EMIT" | "Emit" ) ! namePart EMPTY ::= ( "empty" | "EMPTY" | "Empty" ) ! namePart END ::= ( "end" | "END" | "End" ) ! namePart EXIT ::= ( "exit" | "EXIT" | "Exit" ) ! namePart FALSE ::= ( "false" | "FALSE" | "False" ) ! namePart FILE ::= ( "file" | "FILE" | "File" ) ! namePart FIRST ::= ( "first" | "FIRST" | "First" ) ! namePart FOR ::= ( "for" | "FOR" | "For" ) ! namePart FRAG_REF ::= ( "frag_ref" | "FRAG_REF" | "Frag_ref" ) ! namePart FROM ::= ( "from" | "FROM" | "From" ) ! namePart FUNCTION ::= ( "function" | "FUNCTION" | "Function" ) ! namePart IF ::= ( "if" | "IF" | "If" ) ! namePart IN ::= ( "in" | "IN" | "In" ) ! namePart INCLUDE ::= ( "include" | "INCLUDE" | "Include" ) ! namePart INFO ::= ( "info" | "INFO" | "Info" ) ! namePart INSTANCES ::= ( "instances" | "INSTANCES" | "Instances" ) ! namePart INST_REF ::= ( "inst_ref" | "INST_REF" | "Inst_ref" ) ! namePart INST_REF_SET ::= ( "inst_ref_set" | "INST_REF_SET" | "Inst_ref_set" ) ! namePart INTEGER ::= ( "integer" | "INTEGER" | "Integer" ) ! namePart INTERPRETER_PLATFORM ::= ( "interpreter_platform" | "INTERPRETER_PLATFORM" | "Interpreter_platform" ) ! namePart INTERPRETER_VERSION ::= ( "interpreter_version" | "INTERPRETER_VERSION" | "Interpreter_version" ) ! namePart INVOKE ::= ( "invoke" | "INVOKE" | "Invoke" ) ! namePart IR ::= ( "ir" | "IR" | "Ir" ) ! namePart LAST ::= ( "last" | "LAST" | "Last" ) ! namePart MANY ::= ( "many" | "MANY" | "Many" ) ! namePart NOT ::= ( "not" | "NOT" | "Not" ) ! namePart NOT_EMPTY ::= ( "not_empty" | "NOT_EMPTY" | "Not_empty" ) ! namePart NOT_FIRST ::= ( "not_first" | "NOT_FIRST" | "Not_first" ) ! namePart NOT_LAST ::= ( "not_last" | "NOT_LAST" | "Not_last" ) ! namePart OF ::= ( "of" | "OF" | "Of" ) ! namePart ONE ::= ( "one" | "ONE" | "One" ) ! namePart OR ::= ( "or" | "OR" | "Or" ) ! namePart PARAM ::= ( "param" | "PARAM" | "Param" ) ! namePart PRINT ::= ( "print" | "PRINT" | "Print" ) ! namePart REAL ::= ( "real" | "REAL" | "Real" ) ! namePart RELATED ::= ( "related" | "RELATED" | "Related" ) ! namePart RI ::= ( "ri" | "RI" | "Ri" ) ! namePart SELECT ::= ( "select" | "SELECT" | "Select" ) ! namePart SELECTED ::= ( "selected" | "SELECTED" | "Selected" ) ! namePart STRING ::= ( "string" | "STRING" | "String" ) ! namePart TO ::= ( "to" | "TO" | "To" ) ! namePart TRUE ::= ( "true" | "TRUE" | "True" ) ! namePart UNIQUE_NUM ::= ( "unique_num" | "UNIQUE_NUM" | "Unique_num" ) ! namePart USER_ID ::= ( "user_id" | "USER_ID" | "User_id" ) ! namePart WHERE ::= ( "where" | "WHERE" | "Where" ) ! namePart WHILE ::= ( "while" | "WHILE" | "While" ) ! namePart // End of File